Its a family affair

Its a family affair
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Friday, 5 August 2011

Brons and Butler make first move in plan B

The recent so-called leadership challenge was by Andrew Brons, but the plan was that once Mr Brons had won he would swiftly hand over the baton to the real "mastermind" behind the campaign, Eddy Butler.

Mr Butler already had one foot inside the English Democrats, but this was always his Plan B. If Mr Brons had won the so-called leadership contest the foot would have been withdrawn and the leadership of the BNP would have been handed to Mr Butler as soon as Mr Brons felt he could get away with it.

Alas the plan to hijack the BNP failed, and Mr Butler has completed the move he set in train several months ago.

But the plan is not yet complete. The idea now is for Mr Brons to hang around in the BNP like a stale fart, making as much trouble as he can before he is inevitably suspended and expelled. Then, big surprise, he will follow his old puppetmaster into the English Democrats, claiming he was driven out of the BNP by the shadowy authoritarian machinactions of Mr Griffin and Mr Harrington.

From from being mere speculation I have all this on the most reliable authority. Mr Brons will be an ED member by Christmas.

Sooner would be my preference.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Insight into Arthur Kemp, Brons puppetmaster.

…Arthur is a racist, a white supremacist and also believes in his intellectual superiority and the inferiority not only of other races and religions but also the vast majority of supporters of right wing parties – the rank and file of the likes of the AWB, BNP and the National Alliance have been slated and criticized by Arthur as idiots to be used to further his cause and who should, in his words, “be exterminated once they have been used to get the right wing into power”. Nice Nazi sentiments these! (I have his e-mails to prove this include [sic] being regaled with conversations between him and on their view of the morons that poor has to work with in the BNP.)
Arthur did work for the police in South Africa – he was in the uniform branch but he also worked for one of the security arms – I think it is irrelevant what the specific branch was called and to now split hairs about that seems academic.

Arthur was involved with political activity while at university and was provided with funding from the government – his parents never paid for his university, he never had a loan or a bursary and he was a full time student. He did have a part time job with sea fisheries, a government department, during the holidays – he may wish to offer an explanation as to how he managed to pay for his studies.
When Arthur left university, without a degree, he went straight into the security police – I only know this because he told me. Apparently he fell out with his superior officer and asked to be transferred to the police college. At this point he went to Pretoria to the college.
He served his full three years in the police. He wrote a newsletter (copy with the BBC) which was extremely racist and as a result was suspended from the police. It was during this suspension that he actually started March of the Titans and at which point I first became involved with him. To the best of my knowledge he was reinstated to active duty but bought his discharge from the police.
I think it is common knowledge that he worked for the Citizen newspaper twice and that he also worked full time for the Conservative Party as well as Die patriot, the right wing newspaper. The Citizen was a government backed publication.
He left the Citizen in January 1993 and went into business with Gerry [Jerry?] Pieterse – someone who is an admitted and known police spy. Contrary to the impression he has attempted to create, he did not sell Gerry the odd story – Gerry was our main source of income and Arthur did not do any other sort of work. I stopped working at this point as our second child was born in the January. We bought a new car and a new house and furnished it. To the best of my knowledge all of this was sustained on the income that Arthur generated from his work with Gerry. The main “work” that Arthur did was to socialise with all the elements of the right wing (across the spectrum from the AWB, the CP, White [W]olves etc) and then write reports on what they were doing and sell this information to Gerry. Arthur told me on many occasions that Gerry worked for the police and that was where the money came from. Whether Arthur was officially a police spy or just one of Gerry’s “sources” I have no idea. I do however know that Arthur was paid well and we had a good standard of living.
Between 1991 and 1993, I cannot remember when exactly, Arthur went to the UK. I recall that he had met someone when he toured Europe with Andries [Treurnicht] [1921--1993], the CP leader, in 1991. He followed up this lead with a view to finding a publisher for the book which he was writing. He visited the UK and attended a conference in Oxford (Randolph Hotel) which I recall was funded in some way by an organisation called the Kowan Foundation (spelling and name may not be 100% correct)[.] This organisation involved the Wills (tobacco) family and was a right wing establishment organization which I was under the impression also had Tory leanings. At this conference he met a person called Peter Varny who told Arthur that he ran a risk analysis business (same as Gerry Pieterse incidentally) which was interested in what the right wing was doing in South Africa. He and Arthur reached an agreement whereby Arthur eventually ended up selling to him the same information that he was selling to Gerry Pieterse. I accompanied Arthur to the UK every six months when he met with this group. He has tried to discredit my version of events however the truth is that we would fly to the UK, we would be collected at Heathrow, we would be taken to the Waldorf Hotel, I would be given vast sums of money to shop with while Arthur was closeted in a room for a “debriefing” (his words not mine!) for three days. Thereafter we would go off on holiday for ten days. Remember this was possible when neither of us had a job and we also had a house, car etc to pay off. Arthur has been quick to make allegations about how I never worked; possibly he would like to explain how he afforded all of this. He would relay the information to the UK by modem and he was paid in a Channel Isle account.
In 1992 Arthur told me that he had received a list of names of people that the Derby-Lewis’s were interested in and that he needed to find the addresses. He asked me for Judge Goldstone’s address as I had worked for the Judge for a short while. I did not know the address. He originally told me that the purpose was to draw a comparison between the leadership lifestyle and that of the masses. There was a long list with a number of names on it many of which did not belong to black leaders. I questioned this and he told me that the list was of people that the right wing hated. When I asked him what they (him and the Derby Lewis’s) were going to do with it he told me not to worry about it.
He prepared a new list which did not include information on all the people who were on the original list and although never asked for the information, he also included photos and information around security. This is peculiar information to provide if the list was for the “innocent” purposes alleged.
He then met with Gaye Derby Lewis at the railway station in Johannesburg to give her the list. He printed the list in front of me and made sure that his finger prints were not on it. He joked about this and told me that he did not want the list to be traced back to him. The burning question which he has never answered is that if the list was innocent, why did he not just fax it and why was he at such pains not to touch it and leave a finger print on it? The court record showed that his finger prints were never found on the list although it was admitted that the list was not a copy but the very same piece of paper that came originally from his computer. In the [Truth & Reconciliation Commission] hearing Ms Derby Lewis also admitted that Arthur was “politically shrewd” and it was not necessary to spell anything out to him. Arthur also tries to create the impression that he and the Derby-Lewis’s were professional acquaintances only however when we got married he only invited three couples to our wedding, one of them being the Derby-Lewis’s, one being TJ Ferreira who was the mayor of the right wing town Boksburg where Chris Hani lived and the other was Willie Olivier, the ex private secretary of Hendrik Verwoerd and the person who confirmed the identity of [Janusz "Kuba" Walus] to Arthur on the morning of the assassination and at whose home I met Kuba Walus.
Subsequently Arthur told me that he thought that there was a right wing plot to kill one of the black leaders. There was a lot of unrest and violence going on at this stage and I thought that he meant one of the many groups who were politically active. I know for a fact that he wrote a report to this effect and sold it to both Pieterse and the UK based organisation.
On the day that Hani was killed I was out. I rushed home and found Arthur talking on the phone. He did know who the assassin was and he confirmed the make and colour of car. He then sold this information to the Beeld newspaper.
Shortly thereafter he told me that the list which had been located in Kuba Walus’s flat was a list he had drawn up. He admitted that he had provided not only the addresses but further information. He told me he was going to see Clive and Gaye to discuss it, which he did. When he returned he told me that he and Gaye would say that Kuba had picked up the list in Gaye’s house and they knew nothing further about it. I was also told that Kuba would not talk and that it would all be fine. I was however extremely worried and so was Arthur. He was extremely agitated and spent a lot of time away from the house.
When he was arrested he initially denied everything. The following day I was allowed to see him at the Kempton park cells. I met with him in an office alone and he told me that I needed to get him out of this mess. He told me that I should go to the press and tell them that he had in fact passed the tip off of the possible assassination to the police and they had done nothing. He told me that it was pointless going to the police as they would deny this as it put them in a difficult position. They should have acted but for whatever reason they did not. They would now deny that he had worked for them or passed the information to them however the press would follow up the story and it would be seen to be true. This he alleged would show that while he knew what was going on he had informed the police.
Later on that day Arthur was moved to the Benoni police cells. I had spent the whole day at the police station trying to get him released or charged. In the late afternoon the policeman, I do not recall his rank, one Holmes (I remember it because Arthur used to refer to him as “Sherlock”) came to speak to me. I told him that if they did not release Arthur I would go to the press with the information which I had. He assured me it was not necessary and within 30 minutes Arthur was released.
After the trail [sic] was over Arthur told me that he was no longer able to make a decent living in South Africa as he was no longer able to collect information on the right wing because nobody trusted him and nobody told him anything anymore. At this point he wished to leave South Africa and go to America. Arthur left SA alone with the intention of setting up a new home either in the US or the UK. The money which had accumulated in the [C]hannel [I]sle account in the UK was then used for us to re-start in the UK. I assumed that he could not get legal entry into the US however he entered the UK using an ancestral visa.
Arthur is really faced with one of two choices now:
He can continue to deny his involvement in all of this, including knowing that Chris Hani would be killed. If this is so then he should come back to South Africa and face the charges – if he is so innocent then he should have nothing to fear, but as we all know that this is a lie, he will do everything in his power not to answer the charges hence his attempts to discredit me, or
He can admit that he knew but he did what was right and told the police who did what they did.
The problem with the latter, which I believe to be the truth, is that the right wing in the UK, the US and Europe will then know exactly who and what he is. He is a deceitful person who is self serving and who will use everyone and everything he can for his own benefit. He sold out the right wing in SA and there is no reason why he will not do it again.
The BNP and the National Alliance would do well to take heed of the person they are dealing with and think carefully about whether he can be trusted. Given the type of person he has proven to be both personally and “professionally” they should also question whether he is an asset and whether they can afford him.
The voting public also need to know exactly what he is and if the BNP or any other organization elect to keep him as part of their decision making element, the public need to understand that everything that he stands for is approved of and supported by the political party with whom he is associated.
Finally to the blog yet again. I think that Arthur is a scared and hurt person who is trapped in a corner. He is reacting like any caged and threatened animal – by being aggressive, defensive and illogical.
Am I lying? – I am angry and hurt by his deceit which has recently come to light and I will never forgive him for his rejection of his children but I have nothing to hide. As I said to the BBC and I say here, let their viewers be the judge. As to CNN – you are right to put my version of events to him for comment – that would have been expected. If you think I am lying and mad, and choose to believe him over me, so be it. I really have nothing to hide and nothing at stake, Arthur however has a lot at stake should I and not he be believed, especially by the South African authorities who could well still charge him for the murder of Chris Hani.
Am I mad – just possibly as I did marry the man and live with him for 18 years!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Is that a knife in your other hand Andrew?

Brons has blown any pretence of unity.

The leadership contest won by Nick Griffin saw Andrew Brons being used as a puppet by the likes of Arthur Kemp, Chris Beverley, Eddy Butler, Sharon Ebanks and many more anti BNP types.
After a week to let the dust settle we can now see that they are pushing ahead with their plans to destroy the party rather than the call for unity that they ran their campaign on, which only goes to prove beyond any doubt that the right man won.
Every good activist that has worked through the past 18 months of undermining by these scum will now know that as well as the media, Searchlight, UAF, police and Government we also have to continue to fight off attacks from our own friends and fellow members.
Anybody who speaks out in support of the party is branded a Griffinite and not good enough to be a member of the "new order" party that these filth dream of.
We want a show of unity from real Nationalists to show them that they and their plans will fail and try as they might to destroy Britain's last hope we will grow stronger and these people have no place in our future.
This years party conference will be our chance to show we do not need them and even though some of them may be legands in their own lunchtime they are plain nobodies without the BNP.
Today I am going out with the intension of signing up 1 new member if we all can do the same then very soon these bastards will not be missed.
Brons can get back to helping his daughter and son in law with their benefit **** and slipping them cash from his 300 euro daily allowance, whilst preaching about law and order

Thursday, 14 July 2011

A tribute
Loyal supporters a tribute to the good work done by the leader of the British National Party
Nick Griffin MEP

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Number 1

Well well well what a suprise I got when I saw Phil as she liked to be known on her fiance's video for Andrew Brons promoting family values and after all Team Brons have said about the Kitchens.
Where to start? A bit of a shot in the foot for Kemp really as "Phil" is the woman in question that the Walker brothers supposidly "two uped" in the toilets at the Blackpool conference.
But "Phil" has kept quiet about this when she could either clear their names or condem them, it will have to come out in court anyway so she could at least be truthful to the membership now.
Phil looked very nice on the Andrew Brons video, ladylike even but on the films I have here she looks anything but ladylike, Remember the ones Phil? they did the rounds 3 years ago, is it not a shame when these things come back to bite you on the backside? a very nice backside as well.
Has Mark seen them? or does he have his own collection?
How many of the BNP membership have you enjoyed a sexual relationship with?
Yes you vote Brons I am sure after your wedding in August you will settle down and behave like the lady in the video, then again ....................
More can be found here including names of a few of her conquests.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

I'm voting for Andrew Brons

It appears that several people have now come out in support of Mr Brons.
Shall we look at some of them?

Tina Wingfield.
John Walker
Martin Wingfield
Mike Shrek Howson
Sharon Wilkinson
Arthur Kemp
Phil the slapper
Mark Burke
Some fat bird
We will be bringing you stories that involve underage sex, drunken antics, marrige wrecking, a woman known as the BNP bike, A married woman who spent time away with her ex lover in Brussels, a man who subjected his child to violent abuse, abuse and recklessness with party money, plus much more.
One story a day will appear on here so you can check the facts and decide if these are the people to take the party forward on a family ticket.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Brons attacks every party activists and official while reformers have been sat on their arses for the last 18mths.

British National Party Leadership Election 2011

Candidate Statement of Andrew Brons MEP

Our party urgently needs unity and new political direction.
We have  been damaged by feuds, declining membership, the disintegration of many branches, financial  incompetence and increasing political irrelevance. Our Chairman has resorted to lies and smears to defend his position.
Our newspaper has become a factional rag and our magazine and website have become mediocrities.
The Chairman has used members’ proxies to vote himself, if re-elected, a four year term.  That possibility could be fatal, with the Chairman (a former bankrupt) jointly facing a court order for £45,000 costs  that could destroy him and could reflect badly on the Party.    
The Chairman micro-manages the party and demonstrates appalling judgement in his statements and appointees.  A leader, who calls for the Prime Minister to be hanged and for boats containing illegal immigrants to be sunk, presents our party as insanely extreme. The Chairman, like the dictator of a banana republic, suspends members after they attend meetings of his critics.
Politics is about image. If our image is appalling, our votes will be appalling. Polls indicate that 50% of the electorate wants a nationalist party but our votes and candidates are in decline. UKIP outvotes us in our strongholds. We can improve our image by expressing ourselves in temperate language and ensuring that our statements are accurate and truthful.
We need to win back our activists who have become dispirited and inactive.   We must take positive measures to ensure we retain our elected seats and win more.
We need new, exciting literature that imparts essential ideology and appeals to the broad mass of voters.
Externally, I will focus our party on the key issues of our time: the demographic replacement and ethnic cleansing of our people, the recession, the threat posed by the EU and Britain’s disastrous foreign and economic policies.
Internally, a good leader should act with integrity, observe the highest ethical standards and delegate tasks and responsibilities to those best qualified to tackle them.   I shall also focus on seven areas:
Staff need to be appointed by a professional personnel committee. Ill-judged and highly unpopular appointments by the current Chairman have caused enormous division. Some of his appointments are not even Nationalists and his close advisor stood candidates against our party;
We need a clear division between the political and the administrative sides of the organisation. The latter should be overseen by an experienced and able professional.
The retention and expansion of the party’s democratisation. The four year term for the Party Leader must go.
A halt to the party’s disciplinary and security departments being used to persecute legitimate critics.  We should create a culture where differences are accepted, not denounced;
Full financial transparency and an inquiry into the incompetence that crippled the party with debts of  £580,000, many still unpaid;
The full use of our best and most talented members.  Appointments and promotion must be based on merit and not sycophancy.
The establishment of regional training schemes and greater autonomy for the regions and branches.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Ballot papers and Brons debt

Leadership Election - Ballot Papers Finalised.

Clarification on website issues

Ballot papers and election addresses for the British National Party leadership election are now being printed and packed for dispatch after the procedure for a fair and secret ballot was agreed yesterday, with both candidates being consulted and making amendments. A number of readers have asked why this site carries articles about Mr Griffin's activities on behalf of the party and as an MEP, but has not run anything about Mr Brons for several months. This is because neither Mr Brons nor his staff have submitted any articles in this period. If they resume sending in positive articles about activities promoting the party or Mr Brons' work as an MEP, we will be delighted to publish them.

This website has maintained a policy of strict neutrality as regards proposals for the General Members' Meeting and the leadership contest. As in parliamentary elections, reporting of newsworthy events does not and cannot stop merely because there is a leadership election taking place.

This site will not post any material or comments which are clearly defamatory or which may leave the party open to legal action. Those submitting articles or comments should bear this in mind.

On a related note, the link we used to carry to Mr Brons' MEP website was broken earlier this year. Mr Brons' staff moved his MEP website to a different web hosting server and web address, following a disagreement with Treasury over his refusal to make any payment for his hosting bills or for web design and maintenance and online security, provided by the British National Party. Mr Griffin has paid all such bills for his MEP website and has not moved web addresses or servers.

It is also worth mentioning that Mr Brons has not approached us to re-establish a link to his new web hosting prior to the leadership election taking place.

Despite the dispute between Treasury and Mr Brons, however, we have decided to restore the link to Mr Brons' MEP website for the duration of the campaign, provided – as with Mr Griffin's site – it confines itself to coverage of matters relating to his role as a Member of the European Parliament.

We urge both candidates and their supporters to conduct positive and truthful campaigns that reflect well on the party, which is bigger than any individual.

Thank You,

British National Party Website Team.
If you liked this news article, please donate to help with running costs and improvements of this website.
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Brons escape route

Word is on the street that Andrew Brons has lined himself up an escape route for when he loses the leadership challenge.
His lifeboat of choice being the" British Democrat party" so far from wanting unity he will spit out his dummy and dump on the activists whos hard work and money got him elected.
Brons is going to lose his challenge so your vote will stand for nothing when he runs away to draw his Euro wage with no guilt and nobody to answer to about employing family to the tune of £60,000 + per year.
Nick Griffin does not run away, Nick Griffin does not abandon the party when the going gets tough.

Vote for a leader with a spine.

Vote for Griffin.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Andrew and the National Socialist Movement.

Family background and early activity

Brons is of British and German ancestry. He has a great-grandfather from Germany.[2] Brons was born in Hackney, East London, spending his early childhood in sidcup, on the outskirts of London, before his family moved to Harrogate when he was 11. He attended at Harrogate Grammar school until the age of 16, when he left to join the civil service, where he remained for 16 months before following part-time A Levels in law and economics at Harrogate College. He studied politics at the University of York, graduating in 1970.[3]
Andrew Brons began his political career at seventeen, when in 1964 he joined the National Socialist Movement,[4] a Neo-Nazi organisation founded on Adolf Hitler's birthday by Colin Jordan. Searchlight in 1980 published two letters Brons had written in 1965 to Colin Jordan's wife, in which he firstly reported meeting an NSM member who "mentioned such activities as bombing synagogues", stating in response to this that: "On this subject I have a dual view, in that I realise that he is well intentioned, I feel that our public image may suffer considerable damage as a result of these activities. I am however open to correction on this point.";[5][6] the second letter requested materials such as a swastika, a copy of Horst-Wessel-Lied, and posters and stickers in furtherance of Brons' goal of forming a local NSM group.